fair pay for stay-at-home-moms

Multi-role stay-at-home moms deserve fair pay of around $184k

Stay-at-home moms working 15.1 hours per day, performing 20+ roles seven days a week amid the pandemic deserve fair pay equivalent to...
single moms pay gap

Working single moms with 50/50 co-parenting schedule earn more

Equality in co-parenting and time-sharing correlates with higher income and a more positive parenting experience for single moms, according to a new...
Generation Z

Gen Z Workers More Than Aware of Transformative Power of AI

Generation Z employees are defining the future of work on their own terms, ensuring that their careers are in line with their passions and aspirations, revealed a new study.
men's health

How Government & Businesses Need to Plan for the Future of Ageing

The Future of Ageing 2022 Conference will explore how Government, businesses and individuals need to plan for the future of ageing.

How apprenticeships can increase diversity

Image credit: People 1st International

Gen Z ranks ‘world’s most inclusive & diverse’ workplaces

Google and Microsoft have been ranked as the ‘most inclusive & diverse’ workplaces in the world by Generation Z, according to the latest study...
Gen Z and millennials would quit job in toxic workplace culture

3/4 Gen Z & Millennials Would Quit Job in Toxic Workplace

Three-quarters of Gen Z and millennials would quit their jobs tomorrow if they found themselves in a toxic work culture, revealed a new study.
working moms

2/3 UK working moms struggle with inadequate childcare

Around 63% of working mums with primary school age children do not have sufficient childcare for the six-week school summer holidays, according...
mental health at work

Younger Burnt Out & Disengaged Employees Are Quiet Quitting

Knowledge workers, especially younger employees, are burnt out, disengaged, and quiet quitting, a new report has unveiled. The new...
Millennials & Gen Z employment

Gen Z staff want wellbeing perks to replace outdated benefits

Data from a new study has revealed that the UK’s company benefits schemes are irrelevant for the majority of younger Generation Z...

Telling Statistics

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