Global FAIR framework for recruitment

Australian tech firm PredictiveHire has announced the launch of a global ethical framework to help ensure AI recruitment solutions are unbiased and fair. 

According to the tech platform that’s pioneering transparent AI-assisted hiring solutions, the Fair AI for Recruitment (FAIR) addresses valid concerns in the HR/diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) industry about AI, and encourages transparency in the hiring sector. It describes the framework as the “global standard for the responsible use of AI in recruitment”.

The FAIR framework aims to educate HR/DE&I executives on how to assessing AI technology for use in their organisations. PredictiveHire said it also hopes that the framework will spark conversation on the ‘ethical and inclusive’ hiring topic for AI developers in the space. 

The hiring platform created the FAIR framework to start conversations around transparency in HR/DE&I technology against an explosion of AI solutions in the sector, with many using algorithms that operate in a “black box”. The absence of any form of accreditation of vendors, and the fact that regulation is light years behind tech innovation, has meant a lack of collaboration among vendors to champion AI ethics in the sector – something that PredictiveHire hopes to change. 


This set of guidelines outlined in the FAIR framework helps HR/D&I leaders make smart decisions so they can trust the AI tools that they use. For hiring managers and organisations, the framework provides an assurance as well as a template to query fairness related metrics of AI recruitment tools. It also provides reassurance to candidates, demonstrating that hiring companies are using a system built with fairness as a key performance metric.

In order to demonstrate that an AI hiring system adheres to the fairness definition, the FAIR framework expects solutions to demonstrate that they are “unbiased, valid, explainable and inclusive”. It has a data-driven approach to fairness that provides an objective way to evaluate, challenge and enhance fairness considerations in the recruitment process. The framework also includes a set of measures and guidelines to implement and maintain fairness when using AI-based candidate selection tools, confirmed PredictiveHire.

PredictiveHire’s CEO Barb Hyman said she hopes that the FAIR framework will inspire AI to build inclusive team. “We have created a framework that we hope can be used as inspiration to ensure that AI is being used to build inclusive teams; something humans are not capable of doing on their own because we cannot subvert our biases,” commented Hyman. “Our mission is to help HR leaders make bias interruption more than rhetoric, which is why we also published a guide to Making inclusion an HR priority, not a PR one.”

To download the FAIR framework, click here.

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