time to stamp out workplace racism
Image credit: Pexels

Ethics and compliance learning solutions provider SAI Global & National Association of Black Compliance and Risk Management Professionals (NABCRMP) have announced the launch of a new training course to help address systemic racism in the workplace. 

The course promises training that will help leaders identify and dismantle systemic racism to promote more equitable and inclusive workplaces. SAI Global and NABCRMP will work together to help companies raise awareness about the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, in response to the question, “How do we reshape human behaviour to support and mitigate the risk of discrimination?” 


With the support of SAI Global’s learning methodology, the course aims to reshape human behaviour by building a solid vocabulary and a plain-language explanation of what systemic racism is, how it perpetuates and the tangible changes needed to eradicate it. Learners will be presented with self-reflective checkpoints that support the development of a workplace that promotes respect, acceptance and equity. 

The training course aims to take discussions about diversity and inclusion one step further. Diversity and inclusion is meant to highlight and value broad representation across people, ideas and culture in an environment that fosters belonging and community, according to the two organisations. Antiracism means understanding the structures that promote racial inequities and taking a proactive stand against racism through definitive actions and policies. 

“We’re delighted to have NABCRMP on board as a strategic partner,” stated Rina Souppa, Senior Director, Product Management & Design at SAI Global. “The organisation’s breadth of knowledge in this core area will be instrumental for companies committed to taking up the challenge of dismantling the structures that perpetuate racial inequality and racial discrimination within their organisations.”

addressing workplace racism
SAI Global and NABCRMP promise training that will help leaders identify and dismantle systemic racism to promote more equitable and inclusive workplaces. Image credit: Pixabay


“Systemic racism continues to exist because people don’t think it’s that big of problem and there are many companies that have difficulty acknowledging the problems in their own organisation,” explained Dion Harrison, Chair of the NABCRMP DEI Committee. “There needs to be recognition of this issue to demystify notions that cloud the judgment of anyone rationalising racism in any form. We need to be intentional, honest, and bold anti-racists to create inclusive workplaces. Companies haven’t historically looked at diversity, equity and inclusion as a risk mitigation tool. This training is the first step of many that will foster the conversations needed to make tangible changes in organisations.”

To kick off their partnership, SAI Global and NABCRMP will host a webinar on addressing systemic racism in the workplace on 17 February. Click here for more information.

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