tech for disability
tech for disability

The next Inclusive Conversation event from Tech London Advocates will focus on Tech For Disability.

Tech London Advocates (TLA) Tech For Disability offers a series of regular Inclusive Conversations to connect the disabled and tech communities to facilitate the exchange and sharing of information to promote knowledge, awareness, and opportunities so technology can benefit everyone.

The next Tech For Disability Inclusive Conversation will take place on 13 Sept 2022 (5-6pm UK time) focusing on the theme of independent, why it is so important for disabled people, how can technology help and what needs to be done to make this happen?

Clive Gilbert from Policy Connect’s A Tech Policy Lab will lead the conversation on what disabled people need and how can technology help, as well as how government, tech start-ups, businesses and others can support this. Click here for more information or to register for the free event.


Here’s some advice on how to adapt your communication style to support neurodiversity at work; and improve the workplace experience for all.

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