Infertility stigma at work
Image credit: Pexels

A new study has revealed widespread worries that fertility struggles are interfering with career aspirations. 

In fact, three-quarters of UK staff believe the workplace lacks an open environment to discuss fertility issues, according to the 2023 Workplace Infertility Stigma Survey carried out by Fertility Family. Additionally, only 16% of companies have supportive policies in place for employees who are struggling with their fertility. This is despite a new report from WHO which found one in six people worldwide are affected by infertility. 

Moreover, only one in four people received compassionate leave or paid time off for their fertility appointments. The news follows the proposal of a new Fertility Treatment Employment Rights Bill to give employees a statutory right to take time off work to attend fertility clinic appointments.


The survey gathered insight from UK employees who’ve experienced difficulties in the workplace because of their fertility journey to gain more insight into how UK companies can better support their employee’s fertility struggles in the workplace. The study found employees feel forced to lie to their employers and fear for their careers because of infertility stigma. Statistics revealed that:

  • Around 20% of employees would rather call in sick than inform their employer of a fertility appointment (rising to 44% for those aged 45-54 years old).
  • One in 16 employees felt the need to delay their fertility journey until they were in a senior role so they would be ‘taken seriously’ by their company.
  • One in five employees surveyed feared they would miss out on future opportunities if their employer knew about their fertility struggles.


One anonymous respondent shared her experience of ‘career fear’ during their fertility journey:  “I initially discussed my fertility issues with my line manager [who] was flexible and supportive when it came to attending my appointments. However, this discussion happened just three months after starting my job. She did mention to not share this yet with the higher management as it may jeopardise my career and growth in the company. 

She also had issues with the company’s lack of support and knowledge with infertility: “I feel like women, especially, are scared to be open to this topic in the fear of losing career opportunities. I definitely struggled in this aspect and how I would balance my goals between work and fertility. I hope that there will be a time when women won’t have to choose between their general health and career.”

One in five employees surveyed fear they will miss out on future opportunities if their employer knew about their fertility struggles. Image credit: Pexels


Findings from the survey showed that only one in four of those surveyed felt that their company understood and supported them. Employees most want employers to provide flexible working (77%) to allow employees to leave for fertility-related appointments. 

Over half of employees (58%) believe paid compassionate leave should be provided to those who are struggling with their fertility. Similarly, 41% of employees agree that financial support and fertility counselling (34%) should be provided for employees undergoing fertility treatment. More than a third of employees want line managers to receive training about fertility issues and how to address these conversations with colleagues, as only 2% of line managers have received this training.


 “It can be daunting for an employee to share details of their health, particularly with sensitive conditions like fertility, so it’s important to create a culture of open communication and support. Doing so allows employees to ask for the help they need, which in turn contributes towards increased productivity, satisfaction and retention,” shared Kate Palmer, Director of HR Advice and Consultancy at Peninsula Group. “Introducing mental health first aiders and/or appointing fertility or women’s health champions can be a great starting point for raising awareness about, and showing support for, those experiencing fertility struggles. Such people can be a point of contact for those who may not want to discuss this with a line manager or member of the HR team. 

A fertility policy “which incorporates the support measures available for individuals who face difficulties in this area can be greatly beneficial in helping affected employees feel confident and comfortable whilst at work”, explained Palmer. “It also raises awareness of the struggles employees must manage, to help colleagues and managers know how to provide compassion and care.

Employers should also ensure that all senior members of staff are “trained on how to discuss health conditions in the most effective and empathetic manner”, advised Palmer. “Managers who are not given adequate support and resources to hold such conversations may unintentionally cause more harm than good, so it’s really important that attention is given to this area.”

Source: Fertility Family


So, what can employers do to support employees struggling with fertility issues? Here is a summary of the list of actions from the study (in order of priority) that can help:

  1. Provide flexible working to allow employees to leave for fertility-related appointments (77%)
  2. Provide paid compassionate leave (58%)
  3. Provide financial support for employees undergoing fertility treatment (41%)
  4. Organise line managers to receive training about fertility issues and how to address these conversations with colleagues (36%)
  5. Provide fertility counselling for employees who are struggling with their fertility (34%)
  6. Organise for all employees to receive training about fertility issues and how to address these conversations with colleagues (23%)
  7. Provide mental health training to all employees (21%)

The full report findings are available here.


Merck Foundation’s CEO Dr Rasha Kelej has been recognised for her efforts to empower women, particularly infertile and childless women, and end infertility stigma across Africa. 

Many working mums still feel that they are forced to limit their careers as a result of their employer’s inflexible and outdated working policies and cultures, new research has revealed.

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