women in tech

WISE: Tech industry must get creative to address gender gap

The tech industry must get creative to address the gender gap and digital skills shortage, and find new...
employee burnout and workplace wellbeing

Employee Burnout Main Driver of Great Resignation, Study Reveals

The main drivers of the Great Resignation are burnout, and lack of being valued and cared for by employers, confirmed a new...
retaining women at work

Gender progress under threat as 1/4 women ponder workplace exit

Years of progress towards gender equality could be wiped out this year as 1 in 4 women are considering leaving the workforce or...
workplace discrimination

Empathic leaders key to retaining staff & reducing burnout

Not only do empathic leaders drive engagement, creativity and innovation, but they are also key to retaining staff and reducing employee burnout,...
workplace diversity and inclusion

Diverse voices in the workplace ‘not being heard’ says ADP Canada

Diverse voices of women and ethnic minorities in the workplace are not being heard, revealed a study from ADP Canada, the HR, talent,...
women paid less than men in almost every occupation.

IWPR: Women still paid less than men in almost every occupation

To highlight Equal Pay Day on Wednesday 24th March 2021, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) has revealed that women in...
Great Resignation

Great Resignation Shows Signs of Slowing Down in 2022

The Great Resignation that has plagued companies worldwide for the last two years may finally be slowing down in 2022, according to...
Gender wage gap

Women must wait until 2059 for gender wage gap to fully close

It will still take until 2059 for the gender wage gap to fully close, confirmed the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR).

BTC reiterates AFME/IA request for shorter day to boost D&I

The latest research from the Buy-side Trading Community (BTC), operated by K&K Global Consulting, has reiterated the need to reduce Europe’s trading...
respect at work

Workplace friendships deteriorate for 1/3 staff

Around one-third of employees believe that workplace friendships have suffered as a result of the pandemic, according to...

Telling Statistics

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