18th October 2019: World Menopause Day


World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th October. Organised by the International Menopause Society, World Menopause Day aims to raise awareness on the menopause and support options for improving health and wellbeing.

Menopausal symptoms can impact on women, trans and non-binary people experiencing the menopause, so it’s important that workplaces and managers understand and support staff going through this phase.

The International Menopause Society encourages professionals and women to participate in this global awareness campaign by organising events to engage their communities/workplaces, and share World Menopause Day social media posts, using the hashtag #WorldMenopauseDay.

The theme of World Menopause Day 2019 is Testosterone for Women at Midlife. For more information, click here.

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