Enforcing Covid-19 vaccination in the workplace
Image credit: Alexandra Koch, Pixabay

Around 43% of employees say they would leave their job should their boss decide to enforce Covid-19 vaccines as a workplace requirement, according to a new study.

Staff worldwide appear to be divided on whether Covid-19 vaccines should become a workplace requirement. Headlines such as “No jab, no job”, in recent days and weeks, have not only made employees anxious about job security, but it’s also raised potential legal implications for employers if governments do not make vaccines mandatory.

A study carried out by the people analytics platform Perceptyx in the US found that enforcing vaccination is probably “not the best option” for organisations hoping to get their employees back to the office this year. Although nearly half (47%) of those surveyed believe employers should require this of their employees, 43% said they would consider leaving their organisation if the vaccine became a requirement.

The findings confirm that organisations must tread a fine line with employees as there is a significant divide in perceptions around the vaccine. “While there is no doubt Covid-19 vaccines are a welcome advancement in our fight against the pandemic, based on our data, they are neither the sole nor primary factor to employees feeling safe heading back to the office,” stated Dr Brett Wells, Director of People Analytics at Perceptyx. In fact, when asked to select the top three mitigation efforts that would help staff feel safer in the physical workplace, mask wearing, social distancing and frequent cleaning topped the list, with the requirement to be vaccinated ranking fourth. 


Gentle encouragement, however, is more likely to generate a better response and uptake of the vaccine, according to the study. Employees are more likely to get vaccinated if their employer encourages them to do so, rather than enforcing it as a condition of returning to the workplace. Although 53% of employees are likely to get a vaccine if available today, 56% would get the vaccine if encouraged to do so by their employer. Monetary incentives would also help, revealed the study. An even higher number – 60% – said they would get vaccinated if their employers offered a monetary incentive of around $100.   

In fact, Lidl in the US announced just yesterday that it will give $200 in extra pay to all its employees who choose to receive the vaccine. According to the company’s internal survey, Lidl employees are eager to receive the vaccine, with nearly eight in 10 planning to get the vaccine as soon as it becomes available. 

60% of employees would get vaccinated if their employers offered a monetary incentive of around $100, according to the study.  Image credit: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

In fact, staff who are most likely to follow through on their organisation’s recommendation to get vaccinated are those who have stronger relationships with their managers; especially those who believe their symptoms would be severe if they contracted Covid-19, as well as those who have already been tested for it.

“Those who feel sincerely cared about by their managers are more likely to trust and be persuaded by their employer’s encouragement to get vaccinated,” continued Dr Wells. “This is just one more reason why great leadership and investing in the individual and unique needs of employees is critical to an organisation’s success.” 


“There are clearly mixed feelings about the vaccine and when employees will feel safe returning to work. Much of this is based on the individual beliefs and specific situations that vary greatly,” pointed out Dr Wells. Given this inconsistency in level of comfort, “it is imperative that employers truly understand the needs of their employees and ensure they feel safe and confident before requiring them to return to work”, he added.

Other key findings from the survey include:

  • 60% of US employees are fearful of the potential side effects of the vaccine. However, over 67% believe the research and development of the vaccine is trustworthy. 
  • Half (50%) say their employers have encouraged them to get the vaccine when available, while 38% say their organiaations are requiring it in order to return to the physical workplace. 
  • Just over half (54%) would feel safe returning to the office if they were vaccinated, even if others weren’t, while another 64% believe there is no safe return to work until all employees are vaccinated. 
  • Those who are working remotely are more likely to believe there is no safe return without a vaccine – 68% versus 58% of essential workers who continue to work in the physical workplace. 
  • Just over half (52%) say they would get the vaccine so they wouldn’t have to wear a mask at work. However, the CDC still recommends mask wearing even after the two doses of the vaccine.

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