Today, on Tuesday 17 May, we celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT).

The theme for this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is “Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Rights”; a great theme under which many forms of advocacy are possible: claiming our rights to live our sexualities and to express our gender(s) freely, but also demanding to be from physical violence, from conversion so-called “therapies” to forced sterilisation of Trans and Intersex people.


IDAHOBIT is now celebrated in more than 130 countries; including 37 nations where same-sex acts are illegal. Thousands of initiatives, big and small, will take place around the glob on the day. It was created in 2004 to draw the attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex people; and all other people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics.

The date of 17 May was specifically chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision in 1990 to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. IDAHOBIT represents a major global annual landmark to draw the attention of decision makers, the media, the public, corporations, opinion leaders, local authorities, etc, to the alarming situation faced by people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics.


How can you celebrate IDAHOBIT at work or in your organisation? Here are a few suggestions from IDAHOBIT Australia:

1. Go rainbow

Start simple. Rally everyone to stand out against queerphobia at work by wearing splash of rainbow for the day, or adding a rainbow backdrop to your morning online meeting. Schools and universities can inspire students/teachers/professors to stand out against discrimination by going rainbow. Put up posters, star discussions, or wear a rainbow lanyard. 

2. Run an event

Run an event – in person, online, or a little of both! Rainbow morning meeting, an email newsletter with messages, or lunch n’ learn. Simple ideas are sometimes the best, and most likely to get people involved. Educational institutions can Like a rainbow school assembly, staff room morning tea, classroom discussion, or even a rainbow bake sale.

3. Start a project

Use IDAHOBIT as a way to launch a project that supports sexual and gender diversity. It could be the formation of an LGBTQ+ committee or announcing a plan to support the LGBTQ+ community. Schools and universities can use IDAHOBIT as a way to rally other students and staff together to start an ongoing project that supports sexual and gender diversity. 

4. CEO support/pledge

Ask your CEO to write a blog or article in support of LGBTQ+ staff and customers with a commitment to how your organisation is supporting LGBTQ+ diversity. Equally, students/staff could make a public pledge to support the LGBTQ+ community.

5. Shout it proud

Use your networks to promote your involvement in the day. Share photos from your events on the day using the hashtag #IDAHOBIT and show the world why supporting LGBTQ+ employees and consumers is so important.

6. Run a class

Teaching LGBTQ+ diversity doesn’t have to be hard! Book a digital speaker for students/staff, as well as training for your employees.

Click here for IDAHOBIT events in your region/area. A record-breaking 842 US companies employing some 14.3 million workers earned a 100% rating and the designation of being a 2022 ‘Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality’. Click here to read more.

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