Over half of US employees rate their companies' wellbeing support as average or poor, according to new research.

Workplaces Have Become Less Inclusive & Ethical, Say Employees

Employees believe that their workplaces have become less inclusive and less ethical in the past year, according to a new study.
employee recognition

Mental Health Matters Say Half of World’s Workers

While work-life balance and remote work continue to be important to employees, half of the world's knowledge workers (50%) are now prioritising their mental health above all else, a new report has revealed.
Lack of mental health support for Black workers

Black Workers Face More Barriers to Access Mental Health Support

Black American workers face greater barriers to mental health support in the workplace compared with White, Hispanic/Latino, and Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) US workers, according to new research
mental health at work

Seven out of 10 Companies Report Increase in Mental Health Issues

The mental health crisis is having a significant impact in the workplace, with 67% of organisations reporting an increase in mental health...
World Mental Health Day

12 October 2023: Celebrating World Mental Health Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) have launched new mental health guidance...
employees worldwide want diverse and equitable workplaces

Nine out of 10 Employers Now Address Staff Wellbeing Needs

Ninety percent of employers increased their support for one or more core employee wellbeing needs, including physical, emotional, career and financial this year, according to a new study.
PCOS and infertility struggles are interfering with career progression, growth, and earnings.

How Infertility & PCOS Struggles Hinder Career Progression

A new study has confirmed polycystic ovary syndrome, commonly known as PCOS, and infertility struggles are interfering with career progression and earnings. 
work-life balance

8/10 Employees Want Bosses to Support Their Work-life Balance

More than eight out of 10 employees expect support from their employers to help them achieve a work-life balance, according to a new study.
recruitment and retention

America’s Unemployed Feeling Job-Hunt Burnout, Study Shows

Over half of unemployed job seekers in the US are feeling the job hunt burnout 'big time' revealed a new study.
World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day: Creating Hope Through Action

Today on 10 September 2023, we observe World Suicide Prevention Day. This year’s theme ‘creating hope through action’ is urging employers to...

Telling Statistics

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