stress and burnout at work remains high

Employee Burnout Remains High in US Workforce, Study Shows

Employee burnout among the US workforce remains high, new research has revealed. 
Millions of employees are regularly shortening their lunch breaks and finishing late to keep on top of their workload.

Half of UK Staff Regularly Work Unpaid Hours, Study Shows

UK employees are working unpaid hours to keep up with their workload.
Gen Z and millennials would quit job in toxic workplace culture

Office Workers Experience Highest Burnout Rates, Study Shows 

Office workers are experiencing the highest levels of burnout and lowest levels of happiness and job satisfaction, according to a new survey. 
employee retention becomes a top workplace priority

Staff Retention Outranks Sales & Revenue Growth as Top Priority

Staff retention has become the number one priority for both operations and HR this year, according to a new report.
Humankind 100 ranking

Revealed: Top 100 Companies Supporting Human Wellbeing 

Humankind has unveiled this year’s 100 companies that contribute positively to humanity and sustainability.
stress and burnout at work

Burnt Out Britain: Brits Working Harder & Longer, Warns TUC

“Gruelling” work intensity is a growing problem in “burnt out Britain”, with workers reporting that they are working harder and longer now compared to previous years.
Cost-of-living crisis impacting workers

Half of UK Employees Work Extra Hours to Make Ends Meet

The continuing cost-of-living crisis is now affecting a greater proportion of employees, with more people working extra hours, more struggling to buy food or pay their bills, and fewer being able to afford to take sick days, compared to last year, revealed a new report.
Just three in 10 US workers aspire to leadership roles, according to a new study.

CEOs ‘Out of Touch’ on Matters Such as Inclusion & Burnout

Chief executives tend to be out of touch with their teams in critical areas such as inclusion, burnout and readiness for future business challenges like the adoption of AI, according to a new study.
How employers and organisations can offer support to women experiencing menopause.

Women Still Fear Discussing Menopause Symptoms at Work

Despite millions of employees experiencing menopause each year, stigmas around the topic persist, revealed a new report.
workplace stress

Worker Stress Remains At All Time High Worldwide, Study Shows

Employee stress around the world remains at a historic high, confirmed a new report.

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