staff job hunting for better work-life balance
Image credit: Dirk Wouters, Pixabay

More than half of US employees (52%) plan to jump ship this year, with a quarter leaving their employers specifically for a better work-life balance, confirmed a new report.

The research carried out by the Achievers Workforce Institute, revealed that more than two in five employees are starting their work days earlier or working later; and more than a third are skipping lunch breaks in an effort to show productivity to managers. 

The annual Employee Engagement & Retention Report found that workplace stressors exacerbated by the pandemic are to blame for staff wanting to leave their current jobs. Over a year into the pandemic, workplace stressors are affecting employee confidence; with more than half (51%) of employees currently working from home “worrying that their manager doubts their productivity”. 

The report revealed that compensation, benefits and work-life balance are the top reasons why employees are seeking new jobs. Employees cite better compensation and benefits (35%) and better work-life balance (25%) as the top two reasons for leaving their current job. However, those considering staying in their current role are motivated by work-life balance (23%) and recognition (21%). Additionally, while nearly three in five (59%) of staff say their employer has solicited their feedback on how to improve the employee experience; around one in five (18%) say their employer/manager is “horrible” at acting on feedback; and don’t act on it. 

More than two in five employees are starting their work days earlier or working later; and more than a third are skipping lunch breaks in an effort to show productivity to managers. Image credit: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay


Improving employee engagement relies on more than just “fun perks”; and is actually linked to diversity and inclusion initiatives, the report noted. Just one in five (21%) say they are very engaged; and plan to stay with their company for a long time. More than half (52%) of staff would be more engaged at work if their employer improved its diversity and inclusion; and 49% would be more engaged if their employer took a stand on racial and social injustice issues. Interestingly, 37% of staff would be more engaged if there were more people at work who looked like them.

Many employees ‘do not feel connected to their company’, according to the report. In fact, nearly half of the employees surveyed (46%) are less connected to their organisation or colleagues since the start of the pandemic; compared to just 38% who say they feel more connected since the beginning of it.  Additionally, 42% say company culture has diminished since the start of the pandemic, with lack of communication (26%); or lack of effort to make remote employees feel connected (25%) being key contributing factors.

“This year’s Employee Engagement & Retention Report revealed how the pandemic is affecting today’s workforce, with work-life balance – or lack thereof – being a key component as to why an employee might be motivated to seek other career opportunities,” stated Dr Natalie Baumgartner, Chief Workforce Scientist at the Achievers Workforce Institute. “Understanding what is important to your employees and acting on feedback they provide is essential to creating a company where employees thrive, rather than simply survive.”

For more information about the 2021 Employee Engagement & Retention Report, click here. 

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